Meehanite Iron
Meehanite Iron Metals are a licensed process for the manufacture of gray flake and nodular cast irons. In the early period of American metal casting, 1900-1930, the metallurgical theories of irons were not well understood. Certain foundry practices were known to produce consistent metals. These irons were typically called Pro-Iron or Semi-Steel. Meehanite developed set procedures which produce a high quality engineered iron which permitted engineers and designers to rely upon the integrity of the metal. Meehanite at the time corresponded to Semi-Steels. The meehanite process filled a void until metallurgy, the science caught up with the art form of the metal casting trade. With the advent of specifying and testing bodies such as A.S.T.M., S.A.E., and military specifications, uniform physical, mechanical, and chemical properties were required of the metal casters. Uniformity has caused designers or buyers to designate metal types according to desired end use. A.S.T.M. and meehanite both specify the same final properties. Therefore, in selecting a meeehanite metal, it can be crossed referenced to any other specifying body with assurance that all will be obtained as specified.
If the Meehanite Metal Handbook is compared to the Iron Casting Society’s Handbook or to the A.S.T.M. Specifications for irons, it is easily seen that there are no differences between Meehanite and other specifying bodies.
Meehanite flake gray irons are designated by letter:
GE – Class 30 | GA – Class 50 |
GD – Class 35 | GM – Class 60 |
GC – Class 40 |
Nodular irons are proceeded by the letter S, Abrasion by the letter W, Heat resisting by the letter H, and Corrosion by the letter C.
Any Meehanite Metal selected can be certified to A.S.T.M. standards.